Brazil Trainings

AGAXTUR Travel Agents’ Exclusive Online Training

Online for Agaxtur-associated travel agents to learn during this interactive online training showcasing GPP destinations, including general information and the Agaxtur product line. At the end of the training, a quiz presented the top 3 contestants with GPP giveaways. This online training is related to Agaxtur Shopping de Viagens happening in May at Eldorado Shopping in São Paulo city, and more products were created for this initiative, including the inclusion of a Music route from the Transeuropa package.

BWT + COPA Airlines Agents Training

BWT exclusive event in Manaus, Iconic restaurant Banzeiro, invited travel agents from the region to connect and learn about TSUSA destinations, generating multiple connections and collateral distribution.

Orinter Agent Training – USA Day

Orinter TO annual event invited their travel agents from all over Brasil – bringing them on buses or airline caravans to connect and learn about US destinations in an all-day training, including TSUSA  GPP partners presentation. TSUSA was the last of the first half of the day, right before the lunch break, sparking the most interest and generating multiple visits and collateral distribution.

FRT Agents Training

FRT exclusive event in Foz do Iguaçú, main office, invited travel agents from the region and Paraguay to connect and learn about TSUSA destinations, generating multiple connections and collateral distribution.

BWT Trainings